Social Communication Curriculum (SCC) Quick Start Guide (2024)

Getting started with the Social Communication Curriculum

Hi there! Welcome to the Everyday Speech family! We couldn’t be more excited to have you.

If you are logging into the Social Learning Platform (commonly referred to in this guide as the “Platform”) for the first time, follow along with our Everyday Speech expert to learn how to Log in to the Platform for the first time!

If you’re still having trouble knowing where to start with our Social Communication Curriculum (SCC), look no further than this guide! Please feel free to read the whole Quick Start Guide, or jump to a section that applies to you with our Table of Contents below!

Just as a reminder, the Platform is your gateway to all of the therapy materials we have to offer. We’ve got everything you need for your lesson plans, including hundreds of video modeling lessons, worksheets, and online web games, plus a full curriculum, training videos, and visual tools- all in one place! We’ve done it all for you so you can put less time into planning, and more time with your learners!

Important Notes

This guide assumes you’ve already started your subscription to Everyday Speech's Social Communication Curriculum (SCC). If you haven’t, head here to sign up.

This guide will mainly focus on the web version of our platform, but you can also use the platform on aniPad by downloading this app. The experiences are very similar, but we’ll note any differences between the two.

Let’s get started!


  • Important Notes
  • Logging In
  • Get started with on-demand training!

  • What kinds of materials are available on the Social-Emotional Learning Platform?
    • Material Tags: easily find appropriate content for your learner
  • Progress Monitoring Tools

  • Basic Navigation
  • Viewing Materials
    • Offline Materials (for iPad users only)
  • Full Curriculum: our No-Prep solution to save you time!
    • Skills and Goals: how we organize our curriculum!
    • Goal Pages
      • Goal Summaries
      • Britt’s Tips
      • Visual Supports
      • Pre-Made Lesson Units
  • Am I able to sort your materials to find more of my learner’s preferred content?
  • My learner has specific skills to address. How can I search for them?
  • Reinforcing skills, at home and in the classroom
  • How can I keep track of what my learner(s) has seen?
  • Features useful for IEP meetings and conferences
  • Save to list: make your own lesson plan!
  • Save to list: have your learner’s favorite activities in one place!
  • Material Mix Monday: discover more awesome content!
  • Settings
  • Wrapping Up

Logging In

Web browser

Once you set your password, you’ll be directed to, our secure URL for the Social Learning Platform. We suggest youbookmarkthis link so you always have it handy.

If you ever forget this link, you can also log in by going to and clickingLog In in the upper right hand corner.

If you’re having trouble logging in, please double-check the spelling of your email and the password!

If your browser auto-fills a password, we highly recommend clicking the eyeball icon on the password field and manually typing it to ensure it is correct!

Social Communication Curriculum (SCC) Quick Start Guide (1)


Once you have logged in on a web browser, we strongly encourage you to download our SLP iPad app! Please note that you must set up your account password on a browser before attempting to log in on your iPad.

Please click here to see our app in the app store!

Once you have downloaded our SLP app, click Sign In.

Social Communication Curriculum (SCC) Quick Start Guide (2)

You can then enter the same username and password for Everyday Speech that you used to log in on your browser.

Social Communication Curriculum (SCC) Quick Start Guide (3)

Get started with on-demand training!

Please visit this page to access on-demand training to get started with the Social Communication Curriculum.

What kinds of materials are available on the Social Learning Platform?

As you’re most likely aware, the 3 main types of teaching materials we have areVideos,Games, andActivities.


Our videos are our most popular materials! We use video modeling to showcase and teach social skills. All of our other materials are great materials to practice and review the skills that are learned through video modeling. Every video comes with a companion worksheet that provides a jumping off point for further discussion and/or review.

A note from our Clinical Team!

“Our videos are based on video modeling, a technique found to be very effective in teaching new social skills by giving students a model to imitate. Rules that were once not stated as students went about their natural life are now explained in detail. The videos show internal thoughts, explain discrete thinking strategies, and new ways of responding or behaving. It results in incredible decision-making and problem-solving skills related to interactions that change the way students think and act.”

Printable Activities

Our hundreds of printable activities are extremely versatile – they range in complexity and length, whether you need an activity for an entire session or just the last 5 minutes. You’ll notice different types of activities within the platform:

One Page Worksheets: These are student-led worksheets that they can potentially fill out on their own.

Quick Activities:These are model activities you can run during your session, including role-plays and group discussions.

Premium Packets: If you’re used to browsing the web for printable activities, these packets will be familiar to you. Able to support an entire session (or multiple sessions!), these packets introduce skills, provide activities like card games and board games, and include homework and review materials.

One more thing – if you don’t have access to a printer, many of our activities can be useddigitally as an interactive worksheet.


Finally, our web games provide a fun way to reinforce skills. Our games can be played single player or as an entire class, competitively or cooperatively. Many of our games try to encourage real life social interaction through role-plays, questions to ask peers, and group problem solving. We always hear how much students love our games, so definitely give them a try!

Everyday Speech World:To take our games one step further, we also have the Everyday Speech World (EDS World)! EDS World is an interactive world where your students can practice their social skills with realistic social simulations. This is a great way for your students to practice their new skills in a stress-free environment!

Follow along with our Everyday Speech Expert to learn more about How to use Everyday Speech World!

Social Communication Curriculum (SCC) Quick Start Guide (4)

Material Tags: easily find appropriate content for your learner

In the interest of making our materials as easy to find as possible, we’ve tagged each piece of material based on what type of learner it’s best for. Our tags include:

Skill & Goal:What skill does this material target? In our system, Goals are children of Skills, so each Skill is made up of multiple Goals

Age:What age is this material targeted at?

Level:How complex/difficult is this material? Learn how Brittany, our founding SLP, determines the level of a learner.

Every learner is so different that they may not neatly fit into the segments we’ve created. We suggest trying different levels of materials until you find a level that’s a good match.

Progress Monitoring Tools

We have an informal solution for data tracking assessment for our Social Communication Curriculum! Our printable Goal Bank and printable data tracking assessment sheets exist in our Social Learning Platform.

Social Communication Curriculum (SCC) Quick Start Guide (5)

Social Communication Curriculum (SCC) Quick Start Guide (6)

The goals & objectives in our goal bank & data assessment sheets were created by Everyday Speech’s team of clinicians and align with each Skill and Goal within our curriculum.

The goals are customizable, so you can cater these goals to your individual learners needs.

Basic Navigation

You’ve successfully logged in to our Social Learning Platform. What’s next?

If it’s your first time logging in, you’ll be prompted to view ourWelcome Videofrom Brittany Brunell, our co-founder and founding SLP! Once you watch the video, you can get right into exploring your Dashboard.


Your Dashboard is the first page you see when you log in to your Social Learning Platform account.

Your Dashboard is where you can easily jump back into yourRecently Viewed Materials. Click onView Allto see a more comprehensive viewing history.

Just below your Recently Viewed Materials, you’ll find yourRecently Viewed Goals– each material in our content library is tagged with a Goal, so you can easily explore any goals related to the materials you’ve explored.

Looking to easily access aSaved Listwith your learner’s favorite materials? Look no further! You can access your Saved Lists right from the Dashboard. Click onView Allto see all of your Saved Lists.

Follow along with our Everyday Speech Expert to learn How to Navigate our Platform.

As you start to explore more materials inside the app, you’ll notice acustomdashboard view will be generated just for you!

Social Communication Curriculum (SCC) Quick Start Guide (7)

Another thing you might notice on Dashboard is the blueNavigation bar– this is your main way to navigate through the different sections of our platform. Don’t worry; we’ll show you how to make use of the features in the Navigation bar as this Guide continues!

If you’re using our iOS app on your iPad, the navigation bar is on the bottom of the screen.

Social Communication Curriculum (SCC) Quick Start Guide (8)

Here is a brief overview of what you’ll find on ourNavigation bar:

  • My Classroom– looking to create student profiles for IEP tracking? Or perhaps, you want to create a list of your learner’s favorite games. My Classroom is where you can create student profiles, manage group profiles, saved lists, and homework assignments.

  • Full Curriculum– access our SCC curriculum, organized by skills ranging from emotional recognition to self-esteem. You can access our training videos, visuals, and download our SCC curriculum scope & sequence here!

  • Browse All Materials– view all of our materials in one spot! Use our filtering tools to find what you’re looking for easily.

  • Search– type in a keyword or phrase to find specific materials.

  • Teacher Training - access our training materials at any time!
  • Help Center – click on the User icon to be redirected to our Help Center. You’ll find product tutorials, FAQs, and more here!

  • Account – click on the User icon in the upper-right corner of your screen (lower right if you’re using an iPad) to view your account settings. You can change your password and manage your subscription here.

Viewing Materials

So you’ve explored your Dashboard and Navigation bar. Ready to start exploring our materials?

Let’s walk through viewing a material:

Social Communication Curriculum (SCC) Quick Start Guide (9)

After you click on a video, worksheet, or game, a pop-up appears with the material and all of thesupporting materialneeded for your lesson. Depending on the material you’re viewing, you can do any of the following:

  1. Simply click on the video to begin watching it

  2. Download or play the interactive worksheet on screen

  3. ClickPlay Gameto begin the game

  4. Or click “Enter Everyday Speech World” to access the scenario in EDS World.

When exploring our video materials, you’ll notice ourWhat To Dosection. Here you’ll find our video companion worksheets which you can preview and download and visual tools!

Underneath all of our materials, you have the option toSave to List,Mark as Seen, orSend as Homework!

Marking as seen is a great tracking tool, as you can see an individual learner's progress and print their viewing history.

Social Communication Curriculum (SCC) Quick Start Guide (10)

You can also see a specific material’sPlace in the Curriculumunderneath the material. If the material is a part of a lesson unit, you’ll see all of the other materials in the unit, as well as the Skill and Goal they are a part of.

Click on the Goal to learn more about it, download visual supports, and view Britt’s Tips!

Social Communication Curriculum (SCC) Quick Start Guide (11)

To learn more about our curriculum, please visit the Full Curriculum section of this guide.

Offline Materials (for iPad users only)

You’ve got bad WiFi? Or you’re traveling and won’t have stable access to the Internet? We’ve got you covered!

Use our iOS app on your iPad to download our video materials to view offline. You can download our iOS apphere.

Simply navigate to the video you want, and press Download. Remove a download by pressing the Remove button on your downloaded video.

Social Communication Curriculum (SCC) Quick Start Guide (12)

To find all of your offline videos, click on the Offline Videos button on the blueNavigation bar. You can also remove a download here by pressing the Remove button for the corresponding video.

Social Communication Curriculum (SCC) Quick Start Guide (13)

Downloading videos for offline use is for iPad only.

Full Curriculum: our No-Prep solution to save you time!

Need to find a lesson quickly within a chosen topic? Don’t have time to plan your last minute sessions? You can use our Full Curriculum to jump into our materials right away!

The Full Curriculum walks you through all of our materials from beginning to end. We have 17 units and counting - fully ready for you to dive in anytime! You can download our Scope & Sequence to see the complete chronological order of our materials. Our Full Curriculum was designed to be chronological, however, we know that each learner is different, so this is just a recommendation!

Follow along with our Everyday Speech expert to see How to Use and Access the Social Communication Curriculum's Scope & Sequence

Navigate the Full Curriculum by viewing our complete listing of our Skills and Goals, and click on a Goal to access the Lesson Units within.

Social Communication Curriculum (SCC) Quick Start Guide (14)

Skills and Goals: how we organize our curriculum!

Our curriculum is divided intoSkillsandGoals.

Skillsare overarching areas to work on, likeBasicConversations,Problem Solving, andFriendship. Each skill is made up of multiple goals. For example,Conversation Topicsincludes the goals ofMaking Connected CommentsandThink it or Say It, among others.

When you navigate to our Skills listing, you’ll notice that Skills are in a numbered order. This is our suggested developmental order for a learner that is starting from the absolute beginning. It’s likely that you’ll have learners who have very specific needs – it’s entirely okay to start somewhere in the middle, or jump around in an order that makes sense for you.

Social Communication Curriculum (SCC) Quick Start Guide (15)

Once you choose a Skill that you’d like to work on, Goals will appear on the right-hand side. Again, this is in a suggested order, but you can feel free to jump to the best starting point for your learner.

You’ll notice some Goals have icons next to them – this means they are an Everyday Speech concept – a specific way of teaching the skill developed by our clinical team.

Once you select a Goal, you’ll be taken to the Goal page.

Goal Pages

Packed with a ton of great information, our Goal pages are the powerhouse of our curriculum. They contain:

  1. Goal Summaries– great for matching with IEP goals.

  2. Britt’s Tips– quick training videos

  3. Visual Supports- downloadable icons and posters

  4. Pre-made Lesson Units– our no-prep solution to social skills lesson bundles.

Please Note: Not every goal has Britt’s tips and visual tools right now. We’re constantly adding these, so check back throughout the school year to see if we’ve added them. If there’s a particular goal you’d really like to see a Britt’s tip for, definitelylet us know !

Goal Summaries

If you’re looking to align our content with your IEP goals, or you’re just not sure what a particular goal is working on, these goal summaries provide a quick synopsis of the target goal.

Britt’s Tips

Britt’s Tipsare our training videos designed to connect you straight to our Founding SLP, Brittany Brunell. Brittany’s created all of the content in our platform, and has tons of ideas on how to use the materials with your learners. In these 3 minute videos, she introduces a skill and gives you some practical advice for getting started on a goal.

These videos are packed with tips and tricks, so we highly recommend you check them out!

Here is a video from one of our Everyday Speech Experts onAccessing & Utilizing Britt's Tips !

Visual Supports

From printable icons to goal posters to hang up in your speech room or class, the visual supports section of each goal page has all of the printables that help reinforce learning. Click on the visual supports button to view and download them all! We recommend sharing across educators and parents so everyone knows what your learner is working on!

Here is a video from one of our Everyday Speech experts about ourVisual Supports !

Pre-Made Lesson Units

On our goal pages, you’ll find the lesson units that bundle and organize our materials for you. Designed to take the questions and effort out of lesson planning, the lesson units suggest an order for teaching a goal, and present our best materials for that goal.

Each lesson follows the same structure to ensure your learners are mastering each goal. They follow the sequence of:

  1. Introduce

  2. Practice

  3. Apply

  4. Review

Every lesson is designed to take up an entire session. That said, if you have shorter or longer session times, or your student is moving at a different pace, don’t feel you have to stick to the 1 lesson per session rule. Every learner is different! We highly recommend reviewing video lessons multiple times to make sure your learners retain the skills taught.

Lesson units are broken down into different age groups – Pre-K and K, Elementary, and Middle – High School. Learners on the fringes of these age groups may be able to use either one. Generally our Middle – High School units have videos with older actors, and more complex worksheets and activities.

We’re adding new units all the time, so if you don’t see a unit for a goal you want to work on, check back later and we may have added it!

If there are no lesson units for a particular Goal, we provide a list of all of the materials that work on that specific Goal on the bottom of the page.

Am I able to sort your materials to find more of my learner’s preferred content?

You sure are! You can use theBrowse All Materialsfeature to search for favorite types of material that your learner has not viewed yet. For example, if your learner really likes games, you can use the “games” filter to search for games that your learner has not played yet.

This is also a great way to view all of our newest content!

Social Communication Curriculum (SCC) Quick Start Guide (16)

This page has all of our content, ordered by most recently added.

Using the tabs and filters, you can find exactly what you’re looking for in seconds. There are 3 ways to filter the content you’re looking at:

  1. By Skill

  2. By Age

  3. By Type of Materials

To filter by Skill and Age, use the dropdowns that appear over the list of materials.

Social Communication Curriculum (SCC) Quick Start Guide (17)

To filter by content type, select a tab on top. You can view all materials, or see only videos, only activities, or only games.

Social Communication Curriculum (SCC) Quick Start Guide (18)

My learner has specific skills to address. How can I search for them?

You can use our Search bar (located in your navigation bar) to look for materials that address specific skills for your learner!

Social Communication Curriculum (SCC) Quick Start Guide (19)

If you are a new subscriber, we suggest navigating first through the Curriculum, rather than searching in the Search bar to get the most out of the Social-Emotional Learning Platform.

Type in a keyword or two into the Search bar, and see all of our relevant Skills, Goals, and materials.

Selecting a relevant Skill or Goal will take you to that Skill or Goal in the Curriculum, so that you can learn more about it. You might even find something else your learner can benefit from!

Individual pieces of material are shown by most relevant first – the closest matches to your search term will appear on top. Just like theBrowse All Materialspage, you can sort and filter your results here.

Some tips for getting the most out of search:

  1. Search for the target skill you want to work on. Don’t search “Videos” or “Games”. Go to theBrowse All Materialspage if you want to see full listings of materials.

  2. Keep your search short. Searching a single keyword is better than a sentence.

  3. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, try synonyms.

Reinforcing skills, at home and in the classroom

Homework Links

As you continue exploring the Platform, you’ll notice just how effective our homework links are for at-home and classroom revision. Our homework links are really useful for educators who want to send an assignment home to reinforce the skills they’ve worked on with their learners. Our links can also be used to demonstrate to other educators or parents, which materials their learner/child has been working on!

Underneath all of our materials, you have the option toSave to List, Mark as Seen, or Send as Homework!You can share a material by clicking on theSend as Homeworkbutton! You can find this button on the material itself, in the Browse All Materials view, and on your Saved Lists.

Social Communication Curriculum (SCC) Quick Start Guide (20)Social Communication Curriculum (SCC) Quick Start Guide (21)

Clicking this link will generate a unique link that’ll allow the learner or parent to open the material to review at home! You can share this link with your learner via email, Google Classroom, or any other communication tool.

Here is a tutorial from an Everyday Speech Expert onSending Homework using our Magic Links!

Subscribers on our Basic subscription plan have the ability to send two homework links per month. Those on the Social Communication subscription plan can send unlimited homework links.

Visual Supports

Our visual supports have been a fan favorite among our educators! They’ve helped with skill generalization, retention, and building a community within the school surrounding the Everyday Speech Skills and Goals! Our visual supports include downloadable/printable icons and goal posters that you can hang up in your speech room or classroom!

The visual supports section on each goal page has all the printables that you’ll need for reinforcing skills/goals that your learner is working on.

Social Communication Curriculum (SCC) Quick Start Guide (22)

You can also download all of our goal postershere.

We highly recommend sharing these across educators and parents!

Here is a tutorial from an Everyday Speech Expert onFinding and Printing our Visual Supports!

How can I keep track of what my learner(s) has seen?

The Social-Emotional Learning Platform makes keeping track of the materials your learner(s) has seen super easy! No need to keep track anywhere else; it’s all on the Platform!

You can mark any material as seen by clicking on the material, and clicking the Mark as Seen button in the content popup.

Social Communication Curriculum (SCC) Quick Start Guide (23)

Not seeing the option to add to a Group Profile? This means you are on our Basic plan. If you would like the ability to make Group Profiles, upgrade to our Social Communication plan!

Features useful for IEP meetings and conferences

Here is a note from our Clinical team!

“Student profiles & the marked as seen feature are greatly used to track student progress (especially with the “print student viewing history” feature). The print student viewing history is a game changer for conferences and IEP meetings.”

While the Platform does not provide an online progress monitoring tool that tracks student data, we do offer the following tools to be used for goal planning or Individualized Education Plan (IEP) reviews:

A developmental curriculum including lesson bundles: This may be helpful for planning long-term therapy, writing IEP goals, and progress notes.

Goal Summaries and Posters:If you’re looking to align our content with your IEP goals, our goal summaries provide a quick synopsis of the target Goal. These are great for goal writing! We provide printable PDFs of all Skills & Goals within our curriculum.

Track materials your learner has completed: We've also made it possible for you to track materials your learner has completed via our Mark as Seenfeature!You can then easily print out a viewing history of all the materials a learner has seen, which is extremely helpful come IEP meeting time.

Our Mark as Seen feature allows you to easily add a piece of material to any of your Student Profiles or Groups to indicate that the student/group of students has reviewed the material.

Please note that Group profiles are available with the Social Communication subscription plan. If you are on our Basic plan and would like the ability to make Group Profiles, upgrade to our Social Communication plan!

As noted earlier in this guide, you can mark any material as seen by clicking on the material, and clicking the Mark as Seen button in the content popup.

Social Communication Curriculum (SCC) Quick Start Guide (24)

You can then click on the "Print Students Viewing History" to download and print your students viewing history for IEP meetings and conferences!

Follow along with our Everyday Speech Expert to learn how toNavigate through your viewing history.

Save to list: make your own lesson plan!

We know not every learner will need to follow our Full Curriculum chronologically, which is why we created the Save to List feature!

You can use the Save to List feature to create your own curriculum, tailored to fit your learner or class perfectly.

By exploring our Full Curriculum and using our Search bar, you can find materials that you would like to work on with your learner(s). You’ll notice aSave to Listbutton next to any piece of material.

Click on the Save to List button to add the piece of content to a Saved List you created, or create a new Saved List on the spot! You can use the Saved List as your digital lesson planner, with all the activities for future classes at your fingertips.

Social Communication Curriculum (SCC) Quick Start Guide (25)

You can also duplicate, rename, or delete lists.

If you are on our Social Communication plan, you can create an unlimited number of lists. On our Basic plan, you can create up to two saved lists.

If you prefer a physical list, you can use the Printable Version button on one of your lists to download a PDF with a listing of the materials on your list to check off as you go.

Social Communication Curriculum (SCC) Quick Start Guide (26)

You can access your Saved Lists from your dashboard, where they’re ordered by most recently created, or from the Saved Lists button on the navigation bar.

Save to list: have your learner’s favorite activities in one place!

We just discussed how you can use your Saved Lists as a lesson planning tool, but you can also use them to keep track of your learner’s favorite activities!

You’ll notice a Save to List button next to any piece of material. You can think of a Saved List as a folder where you can group and save your favorite resources.

You might create a list of your favorite materials for a single learner, your Wednesday afternoon group, or a list of your favorite Conversations Materials.

If you prefer a physical list, you can use the Printable Version button on one of your lists to download a PDF with a listing of the materials on your list to check off as you go.

Social Communication Curriculum (SCC) Quick Start Guide (27)

You can access your Saved Lists from your dashboard, where they’re ordered by most recently created, or from the Saved Lists button on the navigation bar.

Social Communication Curriculum (SCC) Quick Start Guide (28)Social Communication Curriculum (SCC) Quick Start Guide (29)

Material Mix Monday: discover more awesome content!

Need to get inspired? Or maybe you are just too busy to look for specific materials?

If you go into yourSaved Listsfrom the navigation bar you’ll notice one list already in there –Material Mix Monday. Every Monday during the school year, we send out an email with some of our materials – these may be the newest materials we’ve released, or materials focused on a theme – likeBack to SchoolorHolidays. All of these materials will be contained in this list.

Social Communication Curriculum (SCC) Quick Start Guide (30)

Anytime you see the Everyday Speech play button icon next to a list, that means it’s a list we’ve created for you. These lists appear by default and can’t be modified.


If you click on the User icon in the upper right hand corner you can navigate to your Settings.

Social Communication Curriculum (SCC) Quick Start Guide (31)

Here you can update your name and password.

You can also launch the Billing Portal to modify your subscription, including upgrading, updating your credit card, cancelling, or putting your subscription on hold.

Social Communication Curriculum (SCC) Quick Start Guide (32)

If your organization signed up via a purchase order, your subscription cannot be modified from our Billing Portal. You should contact Support to modify your subscription. If you signed up via the Apple App store, you cannot modify your subscription from the web. Apple handles all billing for in-app purchases, so you can modify your subscription from your iPad by following these directions.

Wrapping Up

You did it – you’ve finished reviewing our Quick Start Guide! We hope you enjoyed this walkthrough of the SCC!

We encourage you to explore ourHelp Center to explore more product tutorials, and learn about how you can manage your subscription.

Happy Teaching!

Social Communication Curriculum (SCC) Quick Start Guide (2024)
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Article information

Author: Velia Krajcik

Last Updated:

Views: 6370

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (74 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.